
Recent Transactions Include:

Acorn Portfolio

A prime mixed-use portfolio of 5 assets. 69% of income secured for over 10 years and subject to index linked rent reviews. Portfolio WAULT 13.7 years. Griffiths Eccles successfully sold the assets for clients of CBRE Investment Management.

28 Chase Road, Park Royal, London

ON THE MARKET – Freehold short-term sale and leaseback of a 21,500 sq ft industrial unit in the heart of Park Royal. Get in touch for more details.

Tungsten Park, Witney, Oxfordshire

Griffiths Eccles introduced and acted as funding advisor in respect of the purchase by BP Investment Management of this part-pre let 200,000 sq ft industrial estate development located in the Oxfordshire hi-tech growth corridor.

East10 Enterprise Park, Leyton, London E10

A prime freehold industrial estate with potential for future residential redevelopment. Griffiths Eccles successfully sold the asset for a private family.

Honda, Cabot Park, Avonmouth

A prime freehold open storage and warehouse investment on a site of 62 acres let to Honda in Avonmouth. Griffiths Eccles successfully sold this asset for The Crown Estate.

Clocktower Park, Chelmsford

Griffiths Eccles advised abrdn on the site assembly, pre-letting, funding and development of this 170,000 sq ft retail park and adjacent industrial estate, with an end value in the region of £50 million.

Wickford Enterprise Park, Wickford

A highly reversionary south east industrial investment securely let to Basildon District Council for a further 114 years. Having previously acquired this asset, Griffiths Eccles successfully sold it on behalf of clients of CBRE Investment Management.

Royal Mail, Kimpton Industrial Estate, Sutton

Prime reversionary Greater London mid-box urban logistics unit extending to 78,000 sq ft let to Royal Mail Group for a further 10 years. Griffiths Eccles acquired the asset for clients of CBRE Investment.Management.

Centurion Business Park, Nottingham

A prime multi-let industrial estate extending to 65,000 sq ft and fully let to six tenants on a site of 2.8 acres. Having previously acquired the asset as part of a portfolio, Griffiths Eccles successfully sold it on behalf of clients of CBRE Investment Management.